Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Susie is tanning up nicely

Susie is sorry if you were expecting a pleasant holiday-recap-blog today, and to be honest, her holiday was fantastic; but there’s something else that she would rather write about, because it’s negative and judgemental and ranty, and currently occupying her thoughts beyond the Floridian villa and theme parks and stingrays. Susie is just like that.

It’s desperately irritated me for quite a while how so many boys (oh yes, it’s about boys, Susie is that much of a teenager) go for the same stereotypical girl. You know the type; the short, skinny, pretty, flirty girl, who’ll sit on a guy’s lap and play with her hair and laugh at everything he says, even when it isn’t funny. The girl who knows exactly what she’s doing and knows that guys are looking at her and wanting her. The girl who’ll act stupid so that he’ll take the piss and she can hit him on the arm and he can say it doesn’t hurt.

And I suppose I’ve always accepted that ‘boys’ in general go for that kind of girl, but it gets to me when I see that the boys I choose to be friends with are exactly the same. Even the most lovely, seemingly mature, well-meaning boys will always chase after that same girl; and it astounds me how they don’t realise how much they are manipulated by her. I know it shouldn’t surprise me, but somehow every time I manage to convince myself that maybe that’s not what they’re bothered about, that maybe they actually do look beyond all the crap that ‘she’ puts on to the person she really is - these boys, my boys, my friends, always do something to prove that they’re just like all the others, and that I’ll never really match up to that; I’ll always come second best, because that’s not me. And much as it kills me every time I realise that, I don’t want that to be me.

It’s obvious even to me that this is all just a jealousy thing (which ultimately is something I need to work on anyway), but even so, I wouldn’t want to be ‘her’ I don’t think it’s right how she treats boys, and I wouldn’t want to be so blind as to not realise that ‘she’ was me. Much as I may dislike what things are like at the moment, I wouldn’t change it. I think I’d rather have something to complain about.

Susie is done with this.

Well, there's a million other girls who do it just like you
Looking as innocent as possible
To get to who they want and what they like
It's easy if you do it right
Well, I refuse, I refuse, I refuse
Paramore - Misery Business


Anonymous said...


I'm on your team :)

Ami said...

Meee too. xxx

Anonymous said...

im a guy, but i don't like stick thin girls who manipulate people. i like curvy girls with personality.

shame i'm taken.


p.s, would you rather have tons of guys who are there when your a fake? (which your not, its a hypothetical question...) or would you rather have the 1 guy who's going treat you right because he loves YOU??

thought so. and i'm glad thats the answer

Susie said...

Anonymous guy, it is a shame you're taken. The world could do with a few more of you.
I don't know if I know you or not, but you seem like a nice fellow, and I thank you for your comment.
susie x

Anonymous said...

Well you know of me (confused? you should be)

Although i doubt you'd pick me if you realised who i am lol.

Susie said...

Haha, alright, i reckon i have a fair idea.
We'll leave it at that eh.
all the best x

Levi_grafted_in said...

i think you're right about a lot of guys going for that kind of girl... too many in fact. but there is the fact that, as you say, those girls know exactly what they're doing, and exactly what they want, and sometimes us guys really aren't clever enough to realise we're being manipulated. Offer us chocolate and we will follow... carry the logic on as you will. But at the end of the day, i don't want to marry a slut even if i might on occaision flirt with one for the attention in order to prove something to myself or just to make me feel wanted. The girl i want to end up with is gonna have to be a whole lot deeper than that. I just hope i grow up enough to find her.