Monday, 24 December 2007

Susie is consoled

It doesn't take a genius to work out from reading this blog that I haven't been exactly happy recently. I find myself constantly dwelling on my unhappiness, and yet nothing really seems to happen about it. Even when I’m with people and enjoying myself, if I stop to think even for a moment, I’m reminded and convinced that I’m still not happy.

A lot of times, I’ve heard people trying to explain the idea of hearing God talk to you. As soon as anyone hears that that’s what is supposed to happen, I find they are discouraged by the fact they haven’t heard a booming voice, or seen an angel, or flicked open the Bible onto a random page, and looked straight at a verse that applies exactly to them. Personally, I’ve never really been bothered that I haven’t had those sorts of things. God and I have our own way of communicating, which I won’t go into. But today, I had one of those moments. And I’m still in a little shock from it.

Having spent a night at Fran’s and stayed up til the early hours of the morning, I was obviously tired, so I had a nap this afternoon. It wasn’t one of those deep naps where you are plunged into regular sleep, it was one of those naps where you’re never really sure if you’re awake or asleep. Thoughts were constantly in my head, and I had semi-dreams for a few hours. And as I lay there, a Bible verse literally popped into my head from nowhere; Philippians 1:19. I didn’t know where it came from, but every time I stirred a little, it popped into my head again, and I made sure that I remembered to look it up.

Some people believe in coincidences. I can’t. I find it horribly difficult to believe that a verse like this, popping into my head completely randomly, could be anything less than a message for me.

'Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my salvation.'

Things might not be so great at the moment, and I don’t really know why, but I think it’s pretty clear that God has it under control, and I can rejoice, because all this is working out for good in the end. Thanks God. You really are awesome.


Anonymous said...

Hey, good blog. I enjoyed reading it. I've been thinking similar thoughts recently. Have you come across Rumi? He's a Sufi poet who wrote a poem that I often turn to when I'm feeling anxious/depressed/whatever. It's on my blog, here: